Monday, April 14, 2008

An introduction to our project

The purpose of the project is to utilise the available low-density crop residues (cane
trash/coconut fronds) and other biomass fuels in the region effectively for generation of power.
The generated power from a 4.5 MW biomass power plant is sold to the state grid for sustainable
economic growth, conservation of environment through use of biomass fuels and green house
gases (GHG) emission reductions. The project will also help to reduce the ever-increasing
demand and supply gap of electricity. The project also produces organic fertilisers (with ash from
Biomass Power Plant as input) and distributes to farmers from whose fields the crop residues
are collected.

Malavalli Power Plant Pvt. Ltd. (MPPL) had a primary business mission of pioneering the
utilisation of low density crop residues which are otherwise burnt on the fields (leading to high
particulate emissions) or allowed to decompose (leading to methane release). After intensive
period of desk/field research (1997 to 2000) MPPL constructed the pilot plant which was
commissioned in August 2001. This plant fired only biomass and with over 70% of the fuel being
low density crop residues (primarily cane trash/coconut fronds).

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